According to research, the count of dental implants per year in Canada was 289497 in 2022. The count has been growing since then. The implant procedure differs from person to person due to individual differences.
The lack of sufficient bone in the upper jaw to securely anchor the implant is a rare but possible complication. Dentists have numerous options for treating this issue, one of which is a procedure known as a sinus lift.
Keep reading the article to gather more information about the sinus lift procedure and determine whether it’s a good option for you.
What it Means to Get a Sinus Lift
The goal of a sinus lift is to expand the sinus cavity so that there is enough bone to support the dental implant being utilized to replace the missing tooth. When a tooth is lost, the jawbone around the empty socket can atrophy, making it difficult to place an implant.
The upper back jaw, where there is typically less bone mass and quality to begin with, is particularly susceptible to this issue. The sinus cavity, which is a part of your respiratory system, is vacant and located just above the area of your upper jaw.
A sinus lift surgery in Winnipeg requires an incision to be made in the gums and a small hole to be drilled into the jawbone. After creating this opening, we elevate the membrane covering the sinus area and place bone graft material inside.
Bone grafts can be made from either human or animal sources or even be completely artificial. We stitch up the wound and give you some time to recover. During this time, the bone around the graft will strengthen and thicken to the point where it can support an implant.
People who need implants but have lost some bone structure due to gum disease may also require sinus lifts. If your sinus cavity is naturally huge, leaving little space for your upper jawbone, you may benefit from a sinus lift.
When Might You Need a Sinus Lift?
Your dentist may suggest that you receive a sinus lift surgery near you if they are unable to place your dental implants because you do not have sufficient bone height in the upper jaw or because your sinuses are too close to the mouth.
Do you have any ideas as to why you might be experiencing bone loss? Excellent question. The following are some potential reasons for bone loss:
● Disease of the gums and periodontium
● Experiencing tooth loss in the upper jaw
● After a person loses their teeth, the body will begin the process of reabsorbing bone
What Can You Possibly Hope For?
After surgery, edema and pain can be controlled with the use of cold packs and painkillers that are available without a prescription. You should limit your diet to soft foods for a while, and rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater can assist in keeping things clean.
Since antibiotics have been shown to be effective not only in preventing but also in treating infections, we suggest that you take one.
After examining you, a dentist at our dental clinic in Winnipeg will provide you with a specific plan; however, it typically takes a few months for the bone graft to become strong enough to support the implant.
Talk to Our Experts at Westend Dental Today
A sinus lift is a successful dental procedure designed to address unique problems associated with dental implants and upper jaw bone loss. The solution to these issues is to replace the lost bone in the patient’s upper jaw.
The ultimate goal is to help you achieve a beautiful, confident smile that will last a lifetime. Having said that, if you have any queries regarding sinus life, visit our dentist near you and get all the assistance you need.